Hang Tags

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Customized Hang Tags

Hang tags are small, informative labels attached to products like clothing, accessories, or even gifts. They usually hang from a string or ribbon. These tags are used in various ways. They display the brand name, logo, and pricing, offering necessary information to buyers.
They can also include care instructions, material details, and product information. Hang tags play a vital role in branding, marketing, and helping customers make informed choices when shopping.

Top quality Custom Hang Tags wholesale:

These stylish tags are like the unsung heroes of your favorite clothing items, accessories, or products. They are the small but mighty details that add a touch of professionalism, and personality.
They often feature eye-catching designs, necessary information, or brand logos that attract attention and leave a lasting impression. Whether you are a fashion designer or a boutique owner, top-quality hang tags are the finishing touch that boosts your product and makes it stand out in the crowd. They are not just tags; they are a mark of excellence.

Various kinds of Hang tags: :

  • Clothing Tags-: These tags are commonly visible on clothes and often give information about the size, care instructions, and brand logo.
  • Price Tags-: These hang tags show the price of an item.
  • Gift Tags-: These tags are used for gift-giving.
  • Jewelry Tags-: These tags provide information about the jewelry piece, like its metal type or gemstones.
  • Product Tags-: These can include product information, barcodes, or instructions.
  • Promotional Tags-: These tags may offer discounts, special offers, or promotional messages.

Material used in the making of Hang Tags: :

  • cardstock-: Hang tags are often made from thick paper or cardstock.
  • Plastic-: These tags are more durable and suitable for products exposed to moisture.
  • Fabric-: Fabric hang tags often used for clothing and textiles.
  • Metal-: For a premium look, metal hang tags are a durable option.
  • Leather-: Leather tags provide a high-end touch, often seen on luxury goods.

Characteristics of Personalized Hang Tags: :

  • Unique Design-: Each hang tag is customized to suit your style and brand, making it stand out from the rest.
  • Branding-: They help promote your brand by featuring your logo, colors, and messaging.
  • Information-: You can include important details like product name, price, and care instructions.
  • Attachment Options-: They can be attached using strings, ribbons, or pins, making them versatile for various items.
  • Durability-: Hang tags are made to withstand wear and tear, ensuring they last as long as your product.
  • Personal Touch-: They give a personal touch to your items, showing customers that you care about the details.
  • Custom Messages-: You can give special messages, giving a more personal connection with your customers.

Why Custom Hang Tags are best for your Business: :

  • Brand Identity-: Custom hang tags help you showcase your unique brand style and logo.
  • Professional Look-: They make your products look more professional and appealing.
  • Information-: You can include important details like care instructions or product benefits.
  • Differentiation-: Stand out from the competition with distinctive tags that catch the eye.
  • Marketing-: Use them as a low-cost marketing tool to spread brand awareness.
  • Customer Engagement-: They can tell a story about your product and engage customers.
  • Cost-Effective-: Custom tags can be affordable and a smart investment in your business.
  • Eco-Friendly-: You can choose eco-friendly materials for a sustainable image.

Sustainability at its best

        Packaging needs to be eco-friendly. With customers demanding ecological solutions, brands need to be more focused on getting sustainable packaging. Print Plus Pack hang tags are a sustainable solution for your packaging needs.

Take Benefits of Print Plus Pack’s Special Services

Print Plus Pack offers top-quality services to their clients, which sets us apart from everyone else. The services we provide for hang tags include:
    • Fast Turnout Time-: Print Plus Pack Packaging is providing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, customer service to accommodate your order for custom hang tags.
    • Cheap and Affordable -: If you are looking for the best hang tags manufacturers near me, then Print Plus Pack Packaging is your one-stop. Our custom hang tags are available at affordable prices.
    • Free Delivery -: Print Plus Pack Packaging is well-known for providing brilliant printing and manufacturing services for wholesale custom hang tags, with 100% free delivery throughout the United States.

Get in Touch Now!

              Give your hang tags a special appearance with Print Plus Pack. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at +1 737 529 9193 or email sales@printpluspack.com.

Stock Type & Thickness


We use cardboard material with the least environmental impact and minimizes waste generation.


Kraft paper is a strong, durable and reliable material that is widely used across many different industries.


Rigid is highly protective, affordable and recyclable material. These boxes provide maximum protection.


Corrugated material is easy to customize, cost effective and sustainable. It is also great for branding purposes.

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